RUB » Service facilities » ZFA » Organization » Evaluation

Course Evaluation

Our courses are evaluated at the end using a questionnaire developed specifically for our language courses via the Student Course Evaluation programme EvaSyS.

As part of the quality assurance of our course offering, this helps us to continuously develop our offering.

Evaluation Commission

The Evaluation Commission consists of members of all status groups represented at the ZFA. They are elected at the beginning of each winter semester for a period of one year in the respective groups.

The following colleagues are currently members of the evaluation commission:

Dr. Nicola Heimann-Bernoussi
Chair of the Evaluation Commission

Representative of the students

Caroline Gnanko
Melissa Oldfield-Mariano
Representative of the Scientific Employees

Cristina Schalk
Representative of the employees in technology and administration

Mahmut Uludag
Representative of the Freelance Teacher