Dates and places of the introductory sessions

The introductory session takes place in the winter semester 2024/25 on Mondays from 1 to 2 pm and on Tuesdays from 10 to 11 am via Zoom. Please register for one of the sessions at least 24 hours in advance via e-mail.

Appointments for the Tandem Language Learning Coaching

After your application for a credited tandem we will inform you via email how to make appointments for the coaching.

Tandem Support this Winter Semester 2024/25

The following means of support are available for you this semester:

  • an introductory session on Zoom (on Mondays 1-2 pm and on Tuesdays 10-11 am)
  • online language coaching to plan and individualize your learning process (via Zoom)
  • counseling to solve possible problems/questions or individual issues on tandem learning (via Zoom)
  • a tandem diary which helps you planning (is provided on the Sciebo platform)
  • tandem material

Tandem Language Learning Coaching

Language Learning Coaching offers structured help to reflect on your tandem language learning project. Together with your coach you will

  • discuss your motivation for choosing tandem,
  • specify your subject matter,
  • formulate a learning objective which is specific, emotionally important and thus attractive to you,
  • identify the resources that you can activate for your learning project and
  • evaluate your results at the of end of your tandem partnership.

By going through the coaching process and answering questions to reflect upon the same you will be enabled to plan and take on similar learning projects by yourself in the future.

The Coaching Sessions

Your first coaching session lasts about 60 minutes. Please schedule about 30 minutes for the final session. The coaching is obligatory if you want to receive credit points for your tandem partnership.